During winter months, the cold outdoor air is dry because of a lack of humidity. Likewise the air within your home loses humidity. When your furnace runs even more moisture is lost. Humidifiers improve the indoor air quality and restore comfort to your home. Many homeowners enjoy the benefits of portable humidifiers to improve humidity levels in the bedroom or a workspace. Adding a whole-house humidifier treats all of the air circulating throughout your home. Poston Brothers Heating and Cooling installs humidifiers into your HVAC system to alleviate a number of common ailments and complaints of dry winter air.

Symptoms of Low Humidity Levels

Low humidity levels often aggravate allergies, irritate eyes and dry your skin and hair. Scratchy skin, dry eyes, chapped lips, bloody noses, dry throats, and coughing are all side effects of low humidity levels. Once you escape from your frigid winter temperatures, your home should be an oasis not another source of aggravation. Humidifiers help alleviate and prevent these symptoms.

A stable, ideal humidity level within your home does not simply improve your comfort. Maintaining constant humidity protects the structure of your home including wood surfaces like flooring and furniture. Ideal humidity even brightens the health and appearance of houseplants. Finally, higher humidity feels more comfortable so many homeowners can lower the temperature setting on their thermostat to save on energy bills.

Installation Cost of Whole House Humidifier

Since a whole-house humidifier requires installation into your heating system, homeowners should consult a professional HVAC contractor. When you contact Poston Brothers our helpful support team can answer your questions and schedule an evaluation of your home. When our certified technicians arrive at your home we consider the size of your home, the design of your HVAC system and advise the best whole-house humidifier to suit your home.

The cost of the whole-house humidifier includes both the installation services and equipment. Obviously smaller, more basic units are less expensive than advanced models designed for larger homes. Your new whole-house humidifier will need a water line connected to it to generate moisture needed to be added to the air. The cost of using this extra water is very low, and when you think about the savings you incur from lowering your thermostat, you may find that these costs balance each other out.

Even with similar models, the design of your HVAC system will alter installation costs. Due to these many variables, whole-house humidifiers range from $300 to $1500. Many homeowners are pleasantly surprised by the added home value of installing a humidifier. Poston Brothers provides a fair and easy estimate so we always encourage homeowners to contact us.

Do You Need a Whole House Humidifier?

Humidistats are simple devices that measure the level of humidity within your home. Using this device throughout your home confirms whether you are suffering from dry air and low humidity. The ideal humidity range is 50 to 60 percent. Most homeowners consider a whole-house humidifier after experiencing the benefits of smaller models.

Steam humidifiers and evaporator humidifier models help improve or maintain humidity levels in limited spaces. If you or any member of your household suffer from the seasonal health ailments listed above, a humidifier often helps. Other indications of low humidity levels include excessive static electricity, cracks in indoor structures, and exacerbated snoring.

How Does a Whole House Humidifier Work?

There are several varieties of whole-house humidifiers including steam humidifiers and flow-through humidifiers. The basic function of these different whole-house humidifiers works similarly. Once installed the humidistat monitors the humidity level as air enters your furnace. When the air is dry the humidifier adds water vapor as air flows toward the furnace. Beyond the cost of installation, humidifiers do not greatly impact energy and maintenance costs. Humidifiers should be inspected annually during your furnace tune-up but last for many years without the need for repair or replacement.

Call Poston Brothers to See If A Whole House Humidifier Is Right for You

Many homeowners benefit from humidifiers but do not realize how much more effective and affordable whole-house humidifiers are. Poston Brothers provides the complete inspection, installation, and maintenance of humidifiers. A whole-house humidifier can be installed in many homes but only a professional HVAC technician can evaluate your home. Humidifiers do require space and you don’t have to refill tanks regularly. When you contact Poston Brothers our team thoroughly explains the benefits and answers all of your questions.